We’re already calling it “The Week that Was.” And even though it’s gotten better (hey, it’s almost over!), I’ll admit to carrying stress I haven’t had in a long, long time. I’ll admit to being glad to see Friday so this week could be over.
I feel like I’ve failed this week.
But maybe it’s not for me to be responsible. Perhaps, Lord, you need to carry the burden, as with so much else. After this week, I haven’t been able to think about certain people and situations without a flaming in my mind.
I know I need to pray – and before a crucifix. Those others who have upset me are your children, and as human as I am. I need to forgive them, and as I’ve been reminded, forgiving someone doesn’t mean you’re their best friend. God, you forgive me all the time! Help me to forgive – for this week, and for the plethora of hurts I’ve stashed away. Guide me to act as you would have me act.
It’s easy to get discouraged after a week like this. It’s easy to think a parish is nothing better than the company I left. It’s easy to want to leave or quit or both.
It’s too easy to forget we are a people of prayer. It’s too easy to forget our focus should be the Eucharist. Period.
Lord, hold my hand as I climb the bumpy path. Guide me as I seek through the darkness for you. Point me to you when I’ve gotten turned around. Help me to pray and forgive as you do.