My Book Writing and Interactions


  1. The Princess Academy: The Forgotten Sisters, by Shannon Hale (MG fiction)
  2. The Case of the Missing Moonstone (The Wollstonecraft Detective Agency #1), by Jordan Stratford (MG fiction)


  1. Slubgrip Instructs: Fifty Days with the Devil, by Dwight Longenecker (fiction)
  2. I Am Margaret, by Corinna Turner (fiction)
  3. Death Dons a Mask, by Lorraine V. Murray (fiction)
  4. The Thrill of the Chaste (Catholic Edition): Finding Fulfillment While Keeping Your Clothes on, by Dawn Eden


  1. Special Children, Blessed Fathers, by Randy Hain
  2. Specter, by John Desjarlais (fiction)
  3. Soul Provider, by Shirley France
  4. The Catholic Drinkie’s Guide to Home-brewed Evangelism, by Sarah Vabulas
  5. Cruel Beauty, by Rosamund Hodge (YA fiction)
  6. The Working Catholic Mom, by Mary Wallace, Ph.D.


  1. The Four Cardinal Virtues, by Josef Pieper (for the Catholic Spiritual Direction book club)
  2. 30 Days with Teresa of Avila (Navigating the Interior Life Series), by Daniel Burke and Anthony Lilles
  3. The Woman Who Was Chesterton: The Life of Frances Chesterton, Wife of English Author G.K. Chesterton, by Nancy Carpentier Brown
  4. The Secret of the Shamrock: St. Patrick, by Lisa Hendey (MG fiction)


  1. The Sign of the Carved Cross: St. Kateri, by Lisa Hendey (MG fiction)
  2. Stay with Me, by Carolyn Astfalk (fiction)
  3. Crimson Bound, by Rosamund Hodge (YA fiction)
  4. Behold the Mystery: A Deeper Understanding of the Catholic Mass, by Mark Hart


  1. True Radiance: Finding Grace in the Second Half of Life, by Lisa Mladinich
  2. Saint Odd (Odd Thomas #7), by Dean Koontz (fiction)


  1. Unleashed: How to Receive Everything the Holy Spirit Wants to Give You, by Sonja Corbitt (with the Unleashed Book Club at
  2. A Book of Uncommon Prayer: 100 Celebrations of the Miracle & Muddle of the Ordinary, by Brian Doyle
  3. Divine Mercy for Moms: Sharing the Lessons of St. Faustina, by Michele Faehnle and Emily Jaminet
  4. Escape from Mr. Lemoncello’s Library, by Chris Grabenstein (MG fiction)


  1. Soulless Creatures, by Katharine Grubb (fiction)
  2. Finding God’s Peace in Everyday Challenges: 100 Meditations for Women, by Heidi Bratton
  3. Confessions, by St. Augustine (with the Catholic Spiritual Direction Book Club)


  1. Near Occasions (John Paul II High #5), by Christian M. Frank
  2. The Enchantress Returns (The Land of Stories #2), by Chris Colfer (MG fiction)


  1. Hebrews and the Seven Core Beliefs of Catholics, by Shane Kapler
  2. How God Hauled Me Kicking and Screaming into the Catholic Church, by Kevin Lowry
  3. 7 Secrets of Divine Mercy, by Vinny Flynn
  4. Sense and Sensibility, by Jane Austen (fiction, audio via CraftLit)


  1. Our Lady, Undoer of Knots: A Living Novena, by Marge Fenelon
  2. My Badass Book of Saints: Courageous Women Who Showed Me How to Live, by Maria Morera Johnson
  3. Gifts of the Visitation: Nine Spiritual Encounters with Mary and Elizabeth, by Denise Bossert
  4. Spring Meditations, by Fr. John Bartunek


  1. Mind Over All, by Karina Fabian (fiction)