Seven years ago, Jen Fulwiler (whose blog was then named Conversion Diary) started this weekly post where she shared what she called “7 Quick Takes.”

It lit up and took off, because hey! Who can’t think of seven random things? (Or, in the case of those of us with organizational compulsions, seven themed things.)

Over the years, SQT, as it’s been dubbed by the Cool Kids, has moved over to Kelly Mantoan’s blog, This Ain’t the Lyceum.

It’s been a while since I’ve done a quick takes post. (There are any number of reasons for this, not least of which is that it’s been a while since I’ve done anything like regular blogging.)

Today, in honor of seven years of Quick Takesing, I’m here to share the seven reasons why I’m still blogging.

(Because random things? Are harder…and more loose cannony than this.)


— 1 —

I’m a writer.

There, I’ve said it. (Because didn’t you know that there’s a little narrating voice in my head as I write? What do you mean,Ā you don’t have that? Huh.)

While some writers can journal, I’ve never really succeeded with that. But here? I have been succeeding. I mean, YOU’RE here, aren’t you?

— 2 —


Why not?

No, really: why not blog? Well, actually, I can give you reasons, and I’ve advised people not to blog. Some people truly are stretched too thin, have a shortage of ideas, and don’t really need to stress themselves by blogging.

For me, blogging has always been fun. I’m an extrovert living an introvert’s life, in many ways, and this gives me interaction.

— 3 —

It’s fun to pick new themes.

It’s also an exercise in virtue, because something always breaks, code always fails, and I never install a theme when I actually have time to follow through. Through all of that, I get to practice patience and charity and at least two other things (including frozen pizza cooking).

— 4 —

Some thoughts are better blogged.

Now that I’ve been a writer for a while (I didn’t consider myself an actual writer when I started this thing back in the day), I can say with certainty that some things aren’t meant to be written out loud. Other things are meant to be shared, but maybe not formally.

And then there’s my blog. šŸ™‚

— 5 —

It has become an archive of my life, a sandbox of my writing, and my little online room.

I share it with the world, true, but at the end of the day, I’m blogging for me.

— 6 —


I’m not popular by any stretch of the imagination, but I know I have a handful of steady readers. And I’d be a jerk not to acknowledge (and thank!) you for that.

So thanks! Allow me to refill your coffee…

— 7 —

Because if I wasn’t still blogging, I wouldn’t be able to point out that I was quick takesing before the number was officially seven!

Be sure to stop in and toast it up with Kelly at This Ain’t The Lyceum!