Outside my window: Sun! And the promise of warm!
Around the house: The baby is sleeping and the other three are all playing on various small-sized screens. This won’t last much longer, but as I sit here with my coffee in front of me, I’m just enjoying the chance to capture a few words here. 🙂
What I’ve been writing: Confession: I haven’t been writing much. There are words swirling in my head, but they are there, scattered about and waiting.
In my kitchen: There is less of a mess than there was. I’ll take that as today’s — heck, as this week’s! — small success.
In my thoughts: I’m thinking about the Triduum this morning. And about what’s for dinner. And about Easter plans with family.
In my plans: My list is long for today and tomorrow.
In thanksgiving: For surprise packages of coffee and cookies, courtesy of people who love me. (And for the fact that this is the SECOND box of cookies I’ve received since having this baby! That other friend who loves me deserves a shout-out…but I failed to take a picture of her care package (in part because I had more “help” opening it…).)

There was this package of goodness on my doorstep yesterday. I’ll admit: I’ve been imbibing (and NOT SHARING).
In my prayers: Some special family members who have been battling health issues.
Nose inserted: Oh, oh, oh! I discovered Rosamund Hodge through a mutual friend and couldn’t stop myself from writing her and shamelessly asking for a review copy of her new book, Crimson Bound. I’m reading it now and it. Is. WONDERFUL. (I recently read her first book, Cruel Beauty. ALSO very wonderful.)
My Lenten reading will extend into the Easter season (ahem, I blame the baby).
Recent reads: Summarized in my weekly book talk over at CatholicMom.com.
Worth a click: I can’t resist sharing this, sent to me by a friend who knows me better than almost anyone and knew I would be helpless in the face of it: it matches up your Myers-Briggs personality type to a patron saint for Holy Week.
A favorite thing: The snuggly baby who, even if he does keep me from a good night’s sleep, reminds me that I love life and is showing me, yet again, the joy of new life.
Food for thought: I found this quote reading a book at the publisher’s request last week, and it so struck me as being PERFECT for my life.
Worth a thousand words: Because you needed a dose of this, right? 🙂

We’re hard at work plumping up his cheeks.
Oh my goodness so sweet!!!