The Rachel Rosary, by Rev. Larry Kupferman, is beautiful and heartbreaking. It’s an intercessory prayer for victims of post-abortion syndrome, and in this, the month of the Rosary and respect life month, seems to be the time to share it with you and invite you to pray with me for an end to abortion and healing for those who have been involved in abortions.
The Fourth Sorrowful Mystery: Carrying the Cross
So they took Jesus, and carrying the cross himself he went out to what is called the Place of the Skull, in Hebrew, Golgotha. (John 19:17)
We pray this decade, keeping in mind the guilt that burdens those who are victims of abortion.
Our Father…
Ten Hail Marys
1. For the girl who cannot look her parents in the eye because of what she has done. Hail Mary…
2. For the teenager who contemplates suicide, convinced that she no longer deserves to live. Hail Mary…
3. For the young woman who cannot enter a church because she feels so unclean. Hail Mary…
4. For the couple who believe they will not be able to conceive another child as a punishment for their “crime.” Hail Mary…
5. For the woman whose guilt keeps her from allowing anyone to love her. Hail Mary…
6. For the woman whose guilt will not allow her to discipline her own children. Hail Mary…
7. For the woman or man who, filled with guilt, cannot accept even the sacramental forgiveness of God. Hail Mary…
8. For the man who insists that his wife have an abortion and feels no responsibility himself. Hail Mary…
9. For the physician who kills babies on a daily basis, yet feels no remorse. Hail Mary…
10. For the counselor who encourages abortion as a means of birth control. Hail Mary…
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, it is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
Next: The Crucifixion