You may recall my recent raving review of The Legacy of the Stone Harp books. You may also remember that I interviewed one of the authors, Mark Sebanc, a while back.
Today I present to you the other half of the duo that is the authorship of those books, James Anderson.
What do you hope people take away from your books?
A deep and abiding sense that there is hope in the circumstances of their own life. My hope is that the work inspires hope.
What’s the biggest challenge you face as a writer?
Creative writing requires time to ponder and explore the ideas upon which the work is built. Time is an increasingly rare commodity in life.
How do you unwind and get the creative/writing juices flowing?
Movies and music, especially Chopin, I find a good tonic from the business of life. They allow my mind to still and move into the creative.
What was the best part of writing (and continuing to write) this series?
When someone shares that he has been touched by the work, pierced by the beauty of it in some way, that is the best part of writing.
When can we expect the next book? (No pressure. Well, not much, anyway, though I’m eager to read it!)
Mark and I are well underway with the third book, and the whole series is framed out. I anticipate the next book to be finished in a year.