
— Lent Comes to Life —

Today, I’m taking the chance to tell you about Kathleen Basi’s wonderful Lenten book, Bring Lent to Life: Activities and Reflections for Your FamilyIt came out at about the same time my Welcome Risen Jesus came out from Liguori, and somehow (I blame my own preoccupation), I missed it when it was brand-new.

But it’s no less great for being a year older. Maybe it’s better, because I can tell you, as a mom who, ahem, struggles, cough, with making Lent, choke, meaningful or, really, anything, for my kids.

Kathleen answered five questions, which I here present to you in Twitterview format (answers in 140 characters or less, though she did go over a bit on one or two of them):

— Question the First —

Kate, tell us a little bit about Bring Lent to Life.

My book takes one Lenten topic per week and breaks it open through reflections, which families can then put into action.

— Question the Second —

What inspired you to write a book with activities and resources for families to use for Lent?

I wanted to explore Lenten themes from a perspective that wasn’t all “Lent is missssery!” The point of repentance is not to make yourself miserable, it’s to grow closer to God, and that’s a joyful, liberating idea.

— Question the Third (and a Half) —

Tell the truth: what do you hate about Lent?

Hm. Giving up sweets (it’s a family thing), but most of all, giving up the up-tempo contemporary songs at church. 🙂

Now what do you love about Lent?

I love the sparseness of the season. It’s like a brand new start again, just when your new year’s resolutions have started to feel lifeless.

— Question the Fourth —

How do you intend us to use your book?

Take it one week at a time and pick a reflection or two, an activity or two, and make use of the Easter Tree so kids can see the progression from desert to abundance.

— Question the Fifth —

What resources (besides your book, of course) will your family be using this Lent?

Yours, of course! 🙂 I love the weaving of reflection, prayer and action. Besides that and Bring Lent to Life, I’ll be reading Living Faith and Thomas Merton’s Seven Storey Mountain.

— Go Buy Your Copy —

You can buy your very own copy of Bring Lent to Life from any number of places (I recommend starting with your local Catholic bookstore or, if you lack one, the publisher) and you can also win a copy by entering my weekly giveaway and over at Kathleen’s giveaway at her blog (where she has an interview with me).

Visit the ever lovely, ever clever, ever awesome Jen atConversion Diary for more Quick Takes!