As I type this, it’s Thursday afternoon and it’s ABOVE 60 DEGREES!!! This is good, VERY good: the kids are outside. They will need baths, their clothes will need stain remover and minor miracles, and they might sniffle a bit this evening.
But OH! To be able to send them outside! Oh! I am SO READY for spring on SO MANY levels!
Success of the week: got my hair done.
When will I learn to do this more regularly?
Well, anyway, my hair is “fixed,” as in not frizzy and pulled back into a sloppy ponytail. Happy sigh.
My husband ROCKS!
Don’t you agree?
(The florist who called despite his note on the order not to call and also listed the names slightly wrong…well, DOESN’T so much rock. I was still surprised. VERY MUCH.)
“Smarticle particles” is my new favorite phrase. My two nieces, who I picked up after school today, introduced it to me, and me to it. Here it is, in context:
“Ah! Yes! I figured it out! My smarticle particles must have kicked in!”
I am struggling with a book I’ve been trying to read. This isn’t the first time it’s happened, but it’s a book I do feel I must finish. I just don’t really wanna.
I’m sure this is MY problem and not the book’s. It’s well-written (which is the only reason I’ve ever abandoned a book recently) AND it’s entertaining. I can’t really put my finger on why I’m not just whipping through it.
Do you have any tips for dealing with this struggle?
My current strategy looks something like this: read a chapter and get a reward (i.e., a piece of chocolate, a chapter out of the book I do want to read, or something else that will motivate me at that moment).
Said ten-year-old niece, just now, “Bruce Almighty taught me how to spell ‘beautiful’.”
I’ve never seen Bruce Almighty, but I believe her. In fact, it makes me want to see the movie…almost.
Next week, I’m taking the week off of blogging. I still have some things in the pipeline every day (including, I think, a guest blogger and a couple of goodies from the archives). I’ll still be active on Facebook and Twitter, I’m sure. 🙂
More Quick Takes at Conversion Diary.
Sarah, I stumbled upon your blog site – really enjoyed the visit! I am also THRILLED by the warmer weather, and being able to get outside with the kids and play – been stuck inside far too long! I have the same struggle with reading sometimes. If you get any good tips, let me know. I’ve started a few books recently, got half way through and quit. Short attention span at the moment! Must be spring fever!!!
No good tips, really. This book is well-written; I think it’s just that I’m
not taken with it right now (longing to read some of the other things in my
to-read pile, I suppose).
Glad you stumbled across and stopped by! Hope to “see” more of you! 🙂
Skip Bruce Almighty. It wasn’t that great. But DO watch Evan Almighty (you don’t need to see the other one to “get” it). That one was an excellent movie!
Little Brother wound up covered in mud TWICE today. It was a good day, indeed. Spring’s coming–stock up on “Pray ‘N’ Wash.” (Spray it on. Wash the clothes. Pray that the stain came out.)
I love that Pray n Wash concept, Barb!
I will probably end up only watching either of those movies by accident; we
just don’t see that many movies, so when we do, we try to make ’em count.
We’ve been having fantastic weather, too — love it!
Why do you feel you must finish the book?
Well, there’s snow in the forecast “possibly” for tonight. Knew it was too
good to be true…but at least the taste of spring is in my mouth, right?
As for the book…it’s for review, and it’s NOT badly written (which is my
usual gripe) and it’s NOT badly edited (which is my OTHER usual gripe). The
problem is ME, I think; I am in the mood to read something else right now.
Ah, well. I’m getting more into it, and I don’t think it’s a bad book.
(Not sure I really answered the question, huh?)