I neglected to share a link for the latest Just for Moms over at Catholic Family Fun:
A smile seems like such a simple thing: why do I have to work so hard to make it a habit?
September always feels like the start of the year for me. Maybe it’s all the sharpened pencils. Maybe it’s the increased workload that always seems to find me. Maybe it’s the kids going back to school.
Whatever it is, I’m always inspired to some sort of self-examination this time of year. The weather’s cooler, the canning’s in full gear, and something in me has clicked.
You can read it all here.
And this just posted, the October Fun for the Month:
I have a love-hate relationship with the Rosary. It’s the prayer I feel like I have to pray each day, but I don’t necessarily like it or enjoy it. Maybe that’s why I also feel like I’m no good at praying it.
All that makes me feel even worse for admitting that no, I have not prayed a full rosary with my children.
How can this be?
Find out and see my suggestions for myself over there.