Not a thing crossed off my list.
Not a step farther along on the housework.
Not a bit done for planning ahead.
Not a single accomplishment to brag about.


We went to the banquet feast of Thanksgiving and the Eucharist.
We went to the wedding feast.
We spent an evening of wonder with adopted grandparents.
We spent another evening with siblings.
We filled ourselves with football and movies and camaraderie.
We finished books and started projects and prayed joyful rosaries.
We wrote essays and caulked soffits and moved scaffolding and dug trenches.
We hugged nieces and nephews and aunts and uncles and grandmas and poppas and friends.
We high-fived a priest. Twice.
We saw new sights.
We saw old sights through new eyes.
We spent every evening TOGETHER.


It was as successful a weekend as I could have planned!