
That’s right.

No computer work. No visit to see Gran. No folding laundry. Nothing “useful.”

But I did check out the “schoolwork” my enterprising three-year-old had going, and I did snuggle the fussy five-month-old. I did do my dishes slowly, so my “helper” could get her little hands on every single item. I did drink – and taste! – three cups of tea. I did glance at and partially read the National Catholic Register before there was another copy piled on top (though I didn’t finish that long-awaited issue of Canticle). I did make supper (with an assistant) before the last minute and I did appreciate that for the miracle it is, afternoon off or no.

I did curl up on one end of the couch, with a still-in-pajamas-at-2:00 girl on the other end, share the special ultra-fuzzy birthday present blanket (“Can I borrow it, Mommy?” and how could I say no…ever?), and…

…take a nap.

Yes. A nap.

It’s unheard of, really.

It was an afternoon of nothing…chock full of everything good about this vocation of motherhood.