This is the conclusion of my interview with Ellen Gable, author of Emily’s Hope (which I reviewed here). Part 1 of this interview was posted here. Enjoy!

What was your favorite part of Emily’s Hope?
My favorite parts to write were the Katharine/great-grandmother chapters because I actually created her character from what I knew about her. It also allowed me to feel more empathy for what she went through as a turn-of-the-century woman, and for what prompted her to make such poor choices.

I also enjoyed writing the parts of the book which told of the courtship of Jason and Emily. My husband, who in real life is a very private person, generously allowed me to use our intimate letters in the book. As well, back in the 70’s and early 80’s, there were no emails, texting and/or free long distance. So we recorded ourselves speaking to the other on cassette tapes and sent them in the mail. I used these tapes to write some of the dialogue in the book.

Ellen, what advice would you give other Catholic writers?
The first piece of advice that I would give to other Catholic writers is to keep writing. Writing, whether it is ever published or not, can be a wonderful way to express yourself, heal yourself and share thoughts and ideas.

The other essential activity that any writer can do is to read good books by good authors. I have learned a great deal about writing and my writing has improved immensely because I make it a point to study other writers’ techniques and styles.

I would also advise Catholic writers to join a writing group, like the Catholic Writers Guild or the Catholic Writers Online yahoo group. Other members will give you honest feedback on your writing and help you to improve.

I heard a rumor that you have another book in the works. Can you give us a preview of it?
I am very excited that my second novel will be coming out in June. It’s entitled “In Name Only,” and its setting is 1876, Philadelphia. The back cover of the novel says this: “Caroline Martin’s life has finally taken a turn for the better. After years of hard work, she has met a virtuous and wealthy man whose love seems to promise the kind of life realized only within the comforting novels she keeps on her night table. Tragedy, however, will teach Caroline of the complexity with which God Himself authors the lives of those who turn towards him.”

It will be available by e-book or by hard copy on June 15.

I have always enjoyed historical fiction, more particularly historical romances, and it is becoming more and more difficult to find one these days without graphic sexuality. I wanted to write a novel which, like my first novel, taught Church teaching on sexuality and marriage within the context of the novel.

I especially enjoyed writing a entirely fictitious novel, creating the characters and dreaming up the storyline and plot. After four years, these characters have become so real to me that I often dream about them!

Any closing thoughts?
First of all, thank you so much for the interview! My book, Emily’s Hope, is available via Amazon and our website at Full Quiver Publishing. Emily’s Hope is free as an e-book. Normally, we only offer this to teachers, but if you mention that you saw this interview, I would be glad to send you a free e-book of Emily’s Hope.

As well, I am a columnist for Amazing I write a column called “Sexually Speaking.” Beginning in June, I will be posting monthly columns on various topics related to the Church’s teachings on Marriage and Sexuality. (The first column, which I found after reading this, is here.)

Thanks, Ellen, for being so gracious! It’s been a pleasure to “talk” with you and I can’t wait to get my hands on your new book! 🙂