Dear Whoever Created the Time Change and Those in Favor of Keeping it Going,
Do you have kids? Do you want to get up an hour early with mine? Could you please give me back that hour in the morning when I used to refresh myself with such activities as blogging and recreational reading and general puttering?
Do you recommend I give my toddler Benedryl before bed or when she wakes at the obscenely early hour in the morning? I have heard this is an optimal way to get her back to sleep and gain this theoretical hour for myself.
Kind regards and sharp daggers,
Dear Sarah,
You’re crazy. Of course we don’t have kids! Do you think we’d be in favor of the time change or care about productivity if we did? We would have more important things to do!
We hear you’re Catholic. Maybe one of your saints can help you. If you have had such a negative experience with our fiddling with an hour, just what do you think our advice on medicating your child would be like?
Leave us alone,
The People in Charge of the Time Change
Amen. Hate the time change. Would lobby to eradicate it, but I’m so busy dealing with early risers, I have no time to organize a campaign.
I’ll tell ya–what a RUDE AWAKENING that was when we discovered that Once You Have Kids The Extra Hour Of Sleep Is A Big Crock.
Your consolation will happen in the spring, provided you have some Room Darkening Shades, which I highly recommend.
Yeah…a crock. That’s just what I suspected, and now it’s confirmed! We have a room darkening shade, and hopefully before spring it gets installed (we’ve had it since last spring…ahem). And Michell, you crack me up. (Love the picture, btw)
I think my mom made that comment the other day when she brought my three little brothers to our house. Hmmm…I need to make sure I move out of a daylight savings zone before I have kids! Come on Arizona.
Hmm, great idea – move out of daylight savings. Wish **I** had thought of that…but then again, there is a list of reasons that should keep me practical (such as job and family are HERE, in the blasted zone of savings), and I guess this is where God wants me to be. Funny how I can never be HAPPY about that…
Whoever came up with the sick joke that is daylight savings time definitely did not have kids. I complain about it for weeks before and after each time change. Ugh! 🙂
What gets me thinking, really thinking (with a lack of charity, I admit it)…so the time change has been invented, grr. But to KEEP IT GOING?! Isn’t that politician suffering at home too? Maybe it’s harder to change it now that it’s established… Or maybe I should reflect instead on the meaning of sacrifice (instead of complaining!)…