Well, I lined up a list of books…and the Autumn Reading Challenge ended before I could. That, and there was at least one dud (I keep telling myself I can’t like every book every time…but I’m still disappointed. Ah, well, so many other books, so little time!). Here’s my summary.

  1. Out of the Silent Planet, by C.S. Lewis – Loved it! Planning to read the next two in the series for the Winter Reading Challenge.
  2. The Marketing of Evil, by David Kupelian – Loved it! I reviewed it here.
  3. Go in Peace: A Gift of Enduring Love, by John Paul II – Wow! There’s no reviewing a book like this (well, there is, but not by a peon like me), so I posted my favorite excerpts.
  4. Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your American History Textbook Got Wrong, by James W. Loewen – Just couldn’t get into it. It put me to sleep in a moving vehicle (which I always view as a delightful chance to read) and then again on the couch and in bed. I put it away and will try it again for the Winter Reading Challenge.
  5. Peace Like a River, by Leif Enger – It was OK. Nothing fabulous, but not too bad. There was an excerpt I liked, and it has rattled around in my head long after I’ve tucked it back into a cozy nook on the bookshelf, so I think the lasting effects are better than they seemed at first.
  6. On Writing Well, by William Zinsser – I really enjoyed this book. I was afraid it would be a how-to, but it was more like someone just sitting across the table from me, coffee in hand, and telling me straight up what their best pointers were. I did share excerpts (you’re shocked, I can tell).
  7. The Art of Theological Reflection, by Patricia O’Connell Killen & John de Beer – This book was…well…ponderous. No other word fits it. I made myself finish it the same way I make myself finish folding the socks before I curl up on the couch with a book in the evenings. Maybe you would have a different experience with it – I’ll give you my copy. I tried to post excerpts, but I gave up. As I typed them in, I couldn’t get Father’s saying “word salad” out of my head, because it perfectly described how I was feeling about this book.
  8. God’s Plan for Marriage and Family: A Study Guide of Familiaris Consortio (Published by FAMILIA) – Not on my original list, but it was great. I’m still in the process of posting excerpts, and I highly recommend it, though I don’t know where you’d find it unless you have a friend (like I do) who will lend you their copy. It’s a study guide for Familiaris Consortio (the encyclical by John Paul II), with extra goodies thrown in. It has me hungry to join a Familia group.
  9. A Painted House, by John Grisham – I had high hopes for this book, but it was a no go. It fell flat, and I gave it 100 more pages and it’s back on a shelf somewhere, collecting dust. I think Flylady would tell me to pitch it. She’d be on the right track.
  10. Story of a Soul: The Autobiography of Saint Therese of Lisieux – I’m reading it now, and really enjoying it. It will go on my Winter Reading Challenge list.
  11. Pope Fiction: Answers to 30 Myths and Misconceptions about the Papacy, by Patrick Madrid – I just didn’t get to this, in part because I picked up #11, and in part because, well, I probably should have stopped at 9!
  12. Me Talk Pretty One Day, by David Sedaris – Not on my original list. When Hubby took his English class about a year ago, he did an essay using a David Sedaris essay that just cracked us up. We still quote phrases of it to each other and just giggle. When I saw this book at B&N six months ago, I couldn’t walk out of the store without it! It took me exactly three days to read it, and it was great binge reading. I’m not saying I agree with Sedaris’s lifestyle, or with everything he says, but I am saying the man touches off my funny-bone and points to some human truths (his observations about his father, for example) that just, well, tickle me.

Tags: Catholic, Christian, Book Reviews