I’ve been meaning to mention a few of my recent reads, so here they are.
Odd Hours, by Dean Koontz
I had been on a long break from horror and suspense when I was convinced to give Dean Koontz’s Odd Thomas books a try. From the beginning, they had me hooked. This latest installment was no different. It seemed to leave more to my imagination, more loose ends, than the others…or maybe I was just paying attention differently. In any event, I enjoyed it and would recommend the series highly (or, really, any part of the series – I think any of the books would stand alone just fine).
Auralia’s Colors, by Jeffrey Overstreet
Recommended so highly by my blogfairy bookmother that I was online in minutes of receiving her comment reserving it through inter-library loan (a lovely little invention). I didn’t whip through it, but that’s more because I just couldn’t and because it’s the sort of book whose prose makes me want to read a little more slowly, so I could catch it all. It’s the type of good writing that’s winning me over – not slowly either! – to the SFF camp (and oh, the reading I must do!), though I can’t say I’m comfortable in that section of the bookstore just yet…
The Wonder Stick, by Stanton A. Coblentz (courtesy of Forgotten Classics)
Julie finished reading this over at Forgotten Classics weeks ago, but I treat audiobooks the way I treat sweets – they’re a treat (though sometimes also a necessity for my sanity!). So I am lagging behind on my review. It wasn’t a book I would have picked up, but it was a book worth finishing. I wouldn’t call it a must-read, but I don’t think the time I spent listening to it/reading it was time wasted, either. I enjoyed it. Maybe you will too. (If you want to hear Julie’s enchanting reading of it, you can download it here.)