It was the end of the day, though it hadn’t felt like a long day until the silence surrounded me.

I knelt, I genuflected, I prayed. I sat in the chapel, and I realized that I was in the best part of my day.

The Catholic New Media Celebration was fantastic. I met Facebook friends and blogging buddies. I networked and talked and yakked and laughed. I embarrassed myself (but hopefully not anyone else) and I shared.

But during those moments in the Adoration chapel, I was struck by what evangelization truly means, by the One I serve, the Light I follow.

The best part of the day, by far, was being able to take a few moments, however brief, and share them with Jesus. It was the tangible reminder of Who it is guiding the star of the New Evangelization.

A special thanks to the wonderful people who joined me during my talk on blogging content and catechesis. I collected their names and websites/blogs and will post that list in the next day or two.