Outside my window: Black. Dark. Not a hint of day, though I know it won’t be long. The forecast, though, is calling for an October day worthy of breathing deeply and capturing in person.
Around the house: It’s silent, but that’s about to end as we begin our day.
What I’ve been writing: This week, I’m putting the finishing touches on my pregnancy book manuscript. Yesterday, I made some surprising progress and I have hopes for today.
In my kitchen: The light is on above the counters, and that’s the only light on right now. It makes me feel hidden and silent: just me and my coffee.
In my thoughts: What is my most important work? I am trying to accept that there is only one set of things I do that’s important, and I had a savage reminder late last night of just how passing the rest of the work I do really is.
In my plans: Editing and writing and the dentist, and that’s just today. I’m taking it one day at a time, lest I get overwhelmed with all that needs done (which includes, but is not limited to, the fact that Christmas! is! coming! (and I always flirt with hating Christmas)).
In thanksgiving: For the big hug of a small person.
In my prayers: A friend’s family and their grief.
Nose inserted: Breathing Under Water: Spirituality and the Twelve Steps, by Richard Rohr
Recent reads:
- Seven from Heaven: How the Sacraments Can Heal, Nurture, and Protect Your Family Today, by Elizabeth Ficocelli – I received an advance copy, and feel no compunction telling you it’s worth pre-ordering. Well put together and full of many useful and good ideas for hands-on integration of the sacraments in family life.
- The Soul Reader, by Gerard Webster – I enjoyed In-Sight, which is the first book Jerry wrote, and Soul Reader was fast-moving and compelling as it continued the story (though you could read it without reading In-Sight first, I think).
- Poor Banished Children, by Fiorella de Maria – Wow. Here’s a book that caught me by surprise…this isn’t just a novel, it’s literature. I’m going to save my full comments for a longer review, but it ranks up there as one of the best books of the year for me.
A favorite thing: The color of my coffee with a splash of half-and-half in it.
Food for thought: Lead a life worthy of the calling to which you have been called. -Ephesians 4:1
Worth a thousand words: Courtesy of an aunt who loves pictures almost as much as she loves the subjects of said pictures
Love this. Your kitchen sounds like a very peaceful place to start they day……. 😉
Thanks, Julie. I guess it is a pretty peaceful place to start the day, when you say it that way. 🙂