Window to Our World:
The window that brought the “Weezyanna” family home to Ohio for a never-long-enough visit

We were at least this high, walking on clouds, all weekend long! For me, it all started at the airport, when I was waiting at the bottom of the escalator with my Greeting Committee Associate (who turned shy all of a sudden when she finally saw The Cousins Who We Talk About Every Single Day), watching their faces transform when they recognized me.

In My Thoughts:
Mother and daughter, swinging gently in the warm fall air, hands intertwined

Newlyweds, their hands young, their hopes new, their life before them

In Thanksgiving:

It was finally “cold enough” for the first fire. Ah, the delight of the smells! Ah, the terror of the baby waking before the fence-contraption was assembled! Ah, the feel of the chill being pushed back!

From the Kitchen:
It took two pots of noodles and fifty (yes, that’s a 5 followed by a 0) meatballs to get us all looking like this

Their taste in shoes must be genetic. (Either that, or one of them helped the other one with his shopping. We’ll never tell.)

Taking Home a Piece of Home:

Says Junie B. to Nanny something like, “I wish we had leaves like yours.” Replies Nanny, “Well, you will!” Not pictured, but included in the luggage were at least two photo albums to preserve these beauties until they could get home, where they’ll be displayed on the windows.

When Normal’s Not Ordinary:If you don’t live in the Midwest, then seeing corn harvested with a regular ole John Deere combine is a novelty. Especially if it makes your heart go pitty-pat for wide open spaces and the chill of an autumn evening.
And though our colors aren’t good yet – or is it just how this year is going to go? – trees that don’t go from green to brown is something to enjoy and photograph again (and again, and again…)

Hopes and Dreams:
We were getting ready to say goodbye, and the train whistled (like it always does, 100 times a day). Something about it made me look up, and, because Susieann has this effect on me, I noticed the sky. And I promptly field marshaled Prince Charming outside with the camera. If you must say goodbye, do it to a backdrop of trains and flaming clouds.

Special Intentions:For those special folks (you know who you are!) who are going to have some extra laundry before long…and for the little people who will create said laundry. 🙂

In My Ears:
…the remnants of conversation and fellowship, savored and stored away for the long time between visits (though Skype will save us from total despair!)

Around the House:Nanny gives sewing lessons (some of us take to them better than others) and the novelty of making something with their own hands silences little girls for ten whole minutes.

Movin’ and Shakin’:
…is what we did on that dance floor Saturday night!

A Favorite Thing:I didn’t take the picture, but I agree with it, Susieann! The light was just like that yesterday, golden and warmy-looking without really being warm at all (though the kids didn’t seem to notice that).

For the Rest of the Week:We’ll be wondering where all the fun went…

And we won’t be smiling (we’re under strict orders, after all).