Welcome to the 3rd edition of Family Fun Fridays! I’m so glad you could stop by!

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It’s been an unusually hot summer. Consequently, I’ve been acting like I live in the South or something, with my a/c on and my kids inside.

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Earlier this week, we had some downright pleasant weather, though. We went outside and everything.

It made me think of what fun a picnic can be. And since we have a big backyard, I don’t even have to go very far.

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What you’ll need:

  • Food
  • Drinks
  • A backyard
  • A blanket
I consider other people optional, but I’m feeling admittedly introverted of late. 🙂

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What you do:

  1. Pack everything up to take outside.
  2. Spread out the blanket.
  3. Pass out the chow.
  4. Make notes of the cute things the kids say.
  5. Enjoy yourself before you have to clean up.

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I’d like to insert pictures of our backyard picnic.

But here’s the thing: there’s a small person in my life who seems to have a knack for climbing on, well, everything. I haven’t yet found where that small person put the little USB adapter I need to get pictures from the camera to the computer.

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Need some help with food ideas?

  • Here are some cute, healthy, even-Sarah-can-do-it food ideas that go beyond my usual carrots-and-bologna fare
  • How about a teddy bear theme? We’ve tried a version of this before (with play food), but I think I may be brave enough to try this sometime soon.
  • I nearly rolled my eyes at the title of this post (have they met MY crew?), but now that I’m cleaning drool off of my keyboard and nodding ever-so-slightly (my pride does not die so easily), maybe I’m sold enough to try one or two of them.

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Adaptations we’ve enjoyed:

  • Use play food instead of real food
  • Invite your favorite stuffed animals
  • Add some drama (maybe even Bible drama)

Can’t wait to see what family fun YOU are up to! Include a link back here, if you would, and enjoy the journey through the other submissions.

This post is also linked to 7 Quick Takes at Conversion Diary.