Note from Sarah: Fern has been busy reading, and this book is a Cinderella tale that’s Disney inspired. Though the idea of it made me sort of roll my eyes, she shares her thoughts and makes me want to read it.

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Hi! It’s Fern again, here for a review. The book I will be reviewing is the new(ish) Cinderella book by Disney (note from Sarah: Have Courage, Be Kind: The Tale of Cinderella by Brittany Rubiano and illustrated by Cory Godbey).

This is a very good book if you have a sense of adventure and are ready to cry a little. This is a twist on the original story of Cinderella.

Ella, the main character, goes on a lot of adventures and I really recommend it.

Tell us about an adventure.

One adventure/memory is when the evil stepmother arrives and marries Ella’s dad and she gets taunted.

Who should read it? Girls? Boys? My age?

I would recommend it for a girl who is into romance but, if some guy likes lovey dovey adventure romance stories, then they could read it.

What’s your favorite part?

Ella arrives at the ball in her beautiful flowing dress.

What could improve?

Nothing, I don’t think.


Have you read this book? Did you enjoy it?

Fern reviews the newish Cinderella story from Disney and finds it pretty good (if you're an 11yo girl, that is).