“I’ve heard people say that forgiveness is for wimps. Well, I say then that they must never have tried it. Forgiveness is hard work. It demands diligent self-discipline, constant corralling of our basest instincts, custody of the tongue, and a steadfast refusal not to get caught up int he mean-spiritedness of our times.
– Marietta Jaegger-Lane, mother of a murdered child
via Women of Grace Daily Grace Lines
Dear Sarah, this will seem self-serving, but it relates to the quote and topic. On Catholic Vitamins back in November, we had a husband/wife couple (the Fornoff’s) whose daughter Christie was murdered while collecting $ for her paper route. The Fornoff’s told us the story of their journey to forgiveness, and ultimately building Christie’s House in the Pines – a place for people to come for healing from trauma and loss in their lives. The podcast web link is:http://catholicvitamins.com/catholic-vitamin-x-xenia/ I hope you don’t mind this ‘plug.’ May any who need this find healing. Blessings. DT
Deacon Tom, I so enjoyed listening to that episode of your show, too! Thanks for plugging and for reading. 🙂