UPDATE: My cover’s now posted at B&N, but the book appears to not be for sale any longer. No idea why. I’ll keep you posted.

I’ve been checking in at Barnes & Noble to see if/when they would carry Catholic Family Fun, and lo! It is there! (Don’t be fooled by the fact that the cover is not posted. That’s my book!)

AND it is 55% off the cover price right now, which makes it a whopping $5.42.

(click to enlarge)

The Catholic Family Fun Book Tour continues, and today, Jackie Vick has an interview with me over at Bad Martha.

Jackie asked questions that were fun to answer, like “If Mary, Mother of Jesus, had a Facebook page, you would litter her site with LIKES. What role does Mary play in your life? And why?” and [Y]our books are all geared toward family faith. Well, many Catholic parents take their kids to Mass and send them to Sunday School. Isn’t that enough? And isn’t it the job of the priest and teachers to instruct our children in all things Catholic?”

Head on over there and join the fun!