Today, as the rain comes pouring out of the gray skies and the long weekend looms in front of me, full of places to be and things to do, I can’t help but reflect on how much God must really love me. God must really love me to give me a friend in my life who has offered to help me by watching the Babycakes every Friday, pro bono. God must really love me to give me a friend who encourages me to be enthusiastic about my faith and to share it with others. God must really love me to give me a job where I can take my daughter to work and interact with the most generous and amazing people I have ever met. God must really love me to give me a husband like him and a daughter like Babycakes. God must really love me to surround me with women who (a) answer my frantic “what do I do?” calls without a trace of giggling, (b) assure me I’m neither fanatical nor weird using examples from my own life, and (c) call me unexpectedly and share words of wisdom that I need to hear. God must really love me to drop people in on me who entertain a grouchy Babycakes and enjoy talking to me adult-to-adult. God must really love me to give me the strength to not lose my mind when I deal with certain family members. God must really love me to let me have friends I’m related to and family I’m friends with.

God must really love me!