A Why am I Catholic? post, inspired by the work of Webster Bull.
On my refrigerator, I have a scrap piece of paper that’s been around for months, maybe as long as a year. It started life as a scrap of paper that was near my coffeepot, then it moved to the window over my kitchen sink, then it was on my bathroom mirror for a while.
The one-line prayer is one that I know by heart, but which I still love dearly: Incline my heart according to your will, O God. It’s on the refrigerator door right now because that’s where I need the reminder. It hits me as I consult my weekly menu, as I open it for a popsicle or to make chocolate milk or to pull dinner together.
Well, it used to hit me. I had forgotten about it for a while.
The other day, as I was closing my freezer, I tried (with no success) to straighten up a bit the pile of pictures and papers on the door. I rediscovered the scrap of paper, but it had something extra on it:
In case you can’t see the different in handwriting or the addition, here it is: If I take the wings of the dawn, if I settle at the furthest limits of the sea, even there you’ll guide me and your right hand shall hold me fast.
Who in the WORLD put that there? WHEN did they do it?
I have NO idea. Oh, a guess here or there, but those guesses don’t take into account what I know of those women’s handwriting (it was certainly a woman).
But do you think it’s any accident that I found this on the morning when I had prayed for a sign for a special little prayer I had?
Me neither. 🙂
There are no accidents of this kind, no coincidences, no luck…only God acting always and everywhere, around us, through us, with us. Just one more miracle. I have learned to expect them, not because I am special or worthy but because God is my Father who loves me beyond my understanding.
I think my fridge looks cluttered now after looking at your fridge pic. Please tell me that the bottom and the sides are totally covered. Even the side of my fridge that is against a wall has tons of papers on it because I can fit my arm in the space between.
Karen…yeah, my fridge is completely covered. Except for the five minutes (if that) after I pitch everything on it. 🙂
No accidents. Only God-incidents. What a gift!
I may have to do a similar post! My frig is covered with my “inspirations” –notes, quotes, pics and prayers!
Unless I miss my guess, your mystery writer was quoting the beautiful Psalm 139: 9-10. The NAB renders it like this:
If I fly with the wings of dawn and alight beyond the sea,
Even there your hand will guide me, your right hand hold me fast.