Today, Lisa Schmidt from the Practicing Catholic is sharing her review of Catholic Family Fun as part of the Book Tour.

Here’s a sample:

So when Sarah A. Reinhard’s book Catholic Family Fun: A Guide for the Adventurous, Overwhelmed, Creative, or Clueless arrived in the mail, I let out a big ol’ sigh of relief. With summer right around the corner and a 3.5 year-old who rarely stops moving or talking, I will take all the help I can receive in planning fun activities. What immediately jumped out at me as I started thumbing through the book is the large amount of practical, inexpensive, and fun ideas Sarah has assembled.

Lisa continues, highlighting some of my favorite parts of the book, and then she shares,

Thanks to Catholic Family Fun, I am feeling more confident, empowered, and optimistic about taking over the reigns as CEO of the Fun Department at Das Schmidt Haus! Thank you, Sarah Reinhard, for creating a terrific resource that will help families grow into the domestic church that we are all called to be.

Reading reviews and testimonies like this makes me glad I wrote the book. Go on over and read the whole thing.