The offer will seem too good to be true, and maybe you’ll feel like you have to deny yourself the relief it will bring. But then desperation (or the whispering of your guardian angel, perhaps) will win out, and you’ll drop the kids off with that dear grandma-type who offered to take them for the afternoon.
And then you’ll go to a new place to get your hair cut, recommended by a friend back in April. Though it makes you quake a bit (seeing as how you never have any luck with beauticians), you figure “why not?”
There will be time for a stop at a coffee shop, and you’ll have appetite enough (thanks to nursing!) and time to spare for a decaf pumpkin latte and a seven-layer bar.
And then, then, you’ll go meet your new best friend, Erin.
You will glance down, at some point, and see all the hair on the floor. “The problem,”
Before she’s done,
On the drive to get the kids, you’ll call the friend who referred you to
When you pick the kids up, your friend will light up and tell you how great your hair looks.
When you get home, and find that your husband is already home from work, the second thing he’ll say is “Wow, I like your hair!”
And suddenly, it hasn’t been such a bad day at all.