Hallie Lord is no stranger to Twitter. She’s active there as @BettyBeguiles and in a number of other places, which you can find all linky-organized in her sidebar at her blog, Betty Beguiles.

If you’ve been under a rock for the last few months, you might have missed the news about Hallie’s book, Style, Sex, and Substance, which I loved (and reviewed in no less than glowing fashion).

Hallie was kind enough to join the “Twitter-view” fun…five questions, answered in 140 characters or less.

What inspired you to tackle this set of topics?

A desire to create a Catholic woman’s handbook, of sorts–something that would explore all of the most important areas of our crazy lives.

What do you hope people take away from your book?

A sense that we are all in this together, and that together we will prevail! Rock on, girls!

What was the biggest challenge in pulling this project together?

Finding harmony between OSV’s vision, my vision, and the vision of all the contributors.

What’s been the biggest surprise of being a published author?

The outpouring of support. It’s been truly overwhelming. Don’t make me talk about too much or I’ll start crying. Thanks a lot, Sarah. 😉

And, because you are my favorite fashionista, what’s your favorite writing outfit?

I couldn’t possibly choose just one, silly! A cozy cardigan is a must, though.

Learn more about Hallie, her book, and join the delight that is her writing at Betty Beguiles.