Outside my window: Sun. Hot. Laundry.

Around the house: Air conditioning! Yay! And lots of other little things, but I’m squeezing this in and if I don’t hit publish soon, it will be hours or days before this goes live…

In my thoughts: Welcome Baby Jesus has started shipping! So I made a page for my books and everything. I’m mired in a new writing/book project that’s proving more difficult than even I thought it would be, and that’s in my thoughts, too.

In thanksgiving: For visiting friends. For praying friends. For sleep.

In my prayers: A bouquet of special intentions which I’m shocked don’t have me worried and fretting.

Book news: Ellen Gable Hrkach takes the cake for posting the VERY FIRST review of my book at CatholicMom.com this week, and then the kind and lovely Robin Craft mentioned my book (and a lot of very nice things about me) on the PC Druggist blog. Thanks, ladies!

Nose inserted: I’m trying to devour Toward the Gleam, by T.M. Doran but the kids insist on eating, the work insists on being done, my body insists on sleeping. I might disappear for a few hours this weekend and finish it, though. A wonderful adventure and a glorious read so far! I’m also continuing with chunks of Introduction to the Devout Life, by St. Francis de Sales, and wow, it’s speaking to me loudly. And Diary of a Country Priest? It’s waiting for me. I’m finding it hard going.

A favorite thing: The jumping up and down feeling of this week…in part from my book and in part just because, well, I’m that sort of person and easily excited.

Food for thought: From today’s reading for Total Consecration, Day 11:

There is one thing that keeps many back from spiritual progress, and from fervor in amendment, namely: the labor that is necessary for the struggle.