
I’m on deadline.

(Have you taken my survey yet? The one I begged about yesterday?)


For my latest book project.

(Have you taken my survey yet? The one I begged about yesterday?)


It’s almost done.

(Have you taken my survey yet? The one I begged about yesterday?)


I’ve written all the chapters (in a “boy are they UGLY” kind of way), but there’s still some work to be done.

(Have you taken my survey yet? The one I begged about yesterday?)


I have some small sidebars to compile. It WILL be finished, though, before the weekend. And then I will send it to a handful of trusted critique partners.

(Have you taken my survey yet? The one I begged about yesterday?)


Against my better judgment, in a fit of weakness, I sent it to the person who agreed to do the foreword. I’m trying not to think about that too much, lest I start screaming–joy that she will be involved in this project, terror that she’s seeing something so unedited and unready for viewing.

(Have you taken my survey yet? The one I begged about yesterday?)


Now excuse me. I have some surveys to compile and sidebars to write. 🙂

The full round-up is hosted by Jen at Conversion Diary!