She can’t resist curling up in the crook of his arm. She uses his shoulder as a pillow and sleeps so deeply she snores. She wants his arms wrapped around her, keeping her warm and safe. She will lay down on the length of his chest, just as she has for the entire length of her life, and snuggle in and get comfortable. She’ll sit that way long enough for me to take repeated pictures, watching Nemo or Kitty or even basketball. She wants to hear his voice reading her books, often the same one over and over. Her love for him is so whole, so big, so complete.

He holds her so tenderly, and I see tears in his eyes sometimes, when he puts his face down to her soft hair. He can lift her up effortlessly, even though she’s clocking in at 35 pounds now. He carries her and nestles her and is ready to fight to the death for her. And yet, he lets her walk on her own when she asks, and he watches her trips when it can’t be avoided, picking her up and comforting her when she cries. He always answers her calls, although it’s sometimes with a “No.” His love for her is so deep, so true, so inspiring.

What a beautiful image of the Father’s love for me I have here in my own home!