It’s June.

Do you think it’s any accident that the inspiration for this month’s resolution* came during Adoration on Wednesday evening?

Neither do I.

I was thinking about Prince Charming, that boyfriend of mine to whom I owe my wedded bliss. My prayer was pointing toward him, and my meditation was focused, almost as though someone else was steering, on US. Bob and Sarah.

So, in June, my easily attained goal is going to be to do little things, every day, for that guy who makes this dream possible. I’ll make him dinner more than once a week, I’ll focus on writing those little notes in the bathroom, and I’ll stay awake for the shows we watch together – though probably not all at once. I’m going to do my best, this month, to let him know just how much I appreciate the sacrifices he makes for us and I’m going to work on those little things that I’ve forgotten about in the last few months.

*New Month’s Resolutions, which Michelle inspired me to start, are “short-term commitments; they are easily attained goals; they focus on what is needed right now, instead of what is best for a lifetime.”