I am always on the lookout for good fiction.

When it’s written from a Catholic worldview, that’s a bonus.

When it includes tough nuns who have a sense of humor that makes me want to know them in real life, that’s gonna keep my attention.

When it has a mystery, adventure, and humor, it might just have most of the elements that will make me like it.

Live and Let Fly, the latest by Karina Fabian, has all of those and more. It has great writing. It has a dragon detective, minus the weirdness I associate with fantasy writing.

I’ve raved about Vern’s adventures before (have even interviewed him), but you don’t have to be familiar with the the unfortunately stuck-as-a-PI dragon to delight in his antics this time around.

Among the things we learn…oh wait, this is the part of the review where I start to worry about spoiling the treats and twists throughout the book. Let’s focus instead on what I love about the book in general.

Great plot. I say that as someone who’s struggled through some  fiction in my time, as someone who doesn’t give praise faintly, and who prefers to keep quiet rather than waste space sharing negativity. The plot is good, has twists and turns without being confusing, and keeps a sense of its purpose throughout.

Humor. I suspect that Karina Fabian is the kind of person who likes to laugh. How else would she be able to write the character of Vern?

Relatable. Faith without preaching. It’s who they are, a Catholic nun and a Catholic dragon…it seems unlikely and maybe even strange, I know, but it works and it’s entertaining. Vern, the dragon, goes to confession and the priest isn’t quite sure how to handle it: for some of us, that might be a lesson in examining our consciences. If you’re not Catholic, though, those are just details that define them, not stumbling blocks. The challenges they face as people…they’re real and imaginable. You and I face them (minus the made-up beings).

Why you should read it:

1. It’s entertaining and keeps you on your toes.

2. At $5.95, you can’t beat the price. (It’s only an e-book right now.)

3. Great writing.

4. You’ll laugh at least twice a chapter, if not more.

5. Why NOT?

It’s five stars on my scale, which makes it something I highly recommend and share all around.

It’s available as an e-book right now. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

More about the book and DragonEye, P.I.:

Here’s a sampling from the book, read by Karina Fabian herself. And it’s a great scene she chose to share.

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