
I’ve long loved the Liturgy of the Hours. There’s something that’s both organized and delightfully spontaneous about them. And that sentence doesn’t make any sense until you experience praying them.

Years ago, I bought the Book of Christian Prayer and that began a devotion that’s been strong within me, if a bit haphazard in practice.

One of my favorite apps on my iPad has been Divine Office. I’m still a fan, but when I got my Android tablet and phone in the last few months, I wasn’t willing to shell out the money for the apps.

So I thought I’d try iBreviary which, a few years ago, was not as appealing or easy to use as Divine Office. It felt too inside baseball to me at the time.

Not anymore. Now, I’m an iBreviary fangirl in a big way.

And if you want a real-life story as to why, you can check out my column at Integrated Catholic Life. (It’s actually more about how I love the Liturgy of the Hours than iBreviary, I guess.)

Don’t worry: the mess described in the article is fully contained within the screen of your device. You won’t get dirty or hurt…I hope. 🙂

Image: The Angelus by Jean-François Millet