A Mary Moment Monday post

Today is a milestone day in my life as a mother. In a few hours, a big yellow bus will pull up to my driveway and my oldest daughter will board it.

I’d like to be brave and not have tears coursing down my face when that moment occurs after lunch, but I’m not sure. Perhaps the distraction of laundry piles and writing projects and a two-year-old who wants to go too will keep me grounded and laughing. Maybe my friends on Twitter will be posting things that keep me chuckling and non-nostalgic. Maybe a dog will create some havoc (hey, it happens around here all the time) and I’ll forget all about her being gone.

It’s not like I’m an overly sentimental person. (Don’t let all my tears fool you.) But I do know this is a day of pictures and memories and opportunities.

I can’t help but think of Mary. Today’s the day of the Milestone Mysteries of the rosary, in a way: Jesus is announced, Jesus is recognized in utero, Jesus is born, Jesus is presented, Jesus is lost…and found. We don’t hear much about Jesus’ milestones, outside of these. Oh, there is His public life and ministry, but I’m thinking, today, of the moments His mother would have held dear to her heart, the ones that perhaps only she witnessed: His first steps, His first large building project, His success in some area of early life.

He didn’t get on the bus, but He surely took a series of steps away from her as He grew, just as all children must.

So, today, when I’m tempted to wish away the last few years and make my five-year-old an infant again (which, truthfully, I DO NOT want!), I’m going to turn to Mary. I’m going to say a Hail Mary for those women who long for children, offer a Hail Mary for those who suffer the loss of their children, give a moment of prayer for those who are not fortunate enough to have schooling available to them. Will you join me?

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