a Mary Moment Monday post

Usually, by this time in the spring, I’m swooning over flowers. Though I’ve had my fair share of picked tulips, triumphantly handed to me by little hands, this year the phrase “May flowers” makes me think more of the blessings I feel showering around me.

It’s been a rainy spring. So rainy, in fact, that we had standing water in our yard–the first time in 20 years, say the people who know these things.

It’s been a spring full of other surprises, too. About eight months ago, I gave up completely–for the third time–the idea of building a house, one that was reliable, not a fixer-upper, safe for our children and peaceful for my often exhausted husband. We just couldn’t do it. There were a lot of reasons why it had to be, once again, put off, but I really had my hopes up (despite my promises to myself that I wouldn’t).

I think there was a point when, in my prayer, I looked at God and resigned myself completely. “Okay. This place might be falling down and I might feel like the bugs are part of my family, but you love me. You love my family more than I do. So I guess it’s your problem.”

About a month ago, a friend sent me an email, alerting me that the house just down the road was going to be sold. Would I be interested in contacting the seller?

It could be a coincidence that the seller is an old colleague of my husband’s. It might be chance that the house was about what we would have built (the floor plan we selected was almost the same as what this house is). It could be just lucky that we’ll be closing in the next week and will only have to move, essentially, across the street. It’s not, though.

Over and over, I’ve had this experience of God’s love, of his providing for me far better than what I ask. I didn’t see this coming; I couldn’t have predicted the answer to an ongoing plea to be such so far over and above what we wanted.

And would you believe this is only one of the many blessings I’ve experienced this spring?

This May, I’m feeling Mary at work in my life in a special way. The blessings flowers blooming all around me and filling my soul with their fragrance seem to be a bouquet sent straight from her. I have no doubt it was Mama Mary’s prayers that made the difference.

I can only utter a thanks to her, tears in my eyes. I can only imagine just how much she must love us.

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