Take 1: Catholic Haiku on Poetry Friday
For Poetry Friday this week, I just can’t help but share the winner from the Catholic Living Haiku contest:

It’s ironic that
In getting seven to church
I need Confession

It’s worth reading the finalists, if you have a moment. And then, if you have another moment, read all the entries. Be sure to check out all of the Poetry Friday round-up over at Author Amok.

Take 2: Overheard
Me (after spending much time trying and trying and trying to get the fire in the wood stove going): Hey, how did you get that fire going?
Him: It’s a trade secret.
Me: What?
Him: I’m the fire builder.

Take 3: Spreading Christmas Cheer
Yesterday afternoon, I went to the post office. I haven’t been there in a while, and I was looking forward to seeing what Christmas cards had arrived.

Lo and behold, in my pile was the best. ever. letter. No, really. I’m rather a fan of Christmas letters, though I’ve never been inspired to try my hand at it. (I just point people to my blog, after all, and if they don’t have internet, they can call me or something.) I nearly drove off the road, glancing down at it and laughing. I sat in the parking lot of our local grocery store and read it a second time. Then I told family members about it and I have saved it – usually I only save photo cards. Thanks, friend who sent that (you know who you are). I needed that laugh. And maybe I needed the inspiration.

Take 4: Bookworm Musings
I haven’t had the time I have wanted to read this week. And that, my friends, is frustrating to a bookworm-bibliophile. I’d like to say I’m offering it up for souls in purgatory or something, but I’m mostly just complaining in my head about it. We have a lot of driving ahead of us this weekend, and let me just say…I have big plans for reading. Kids, take care of yourselves in the back seat!

Take 5: I Love My Crock Pot
Enough said.

Take 6: The Joy of Wireless
So, I can’t give you details without getting myself in trouble. But let’s just say that I have a heightened appreciation for our wireless internet and how it has made the power of my laptop possible in places where a laptop wouldn’t have previously been possible. Enough said.

Take 7: Only Twelve Days
In 12 short days, it will be January 1st, New Years Day. You might think I’m counting down to a major holiday. And I am…it’s just a different sort of holiday to me.

It is on January 1st that my oldest daughter turns four. It is on January 1st that I no longer have a three-year-old in the house. It is on January 1st that I will find myself, once again, reflecting on Mary, Mother of God, and Elizabeth, Daughter of Sarah, and how they seem to be so intertwined.

Christmas is all the hype, but, between you and me, it’s New Years that has my heart this time of year. My getting-big-so-fast princess-cowgirl-tomboy, my initiation-into-motherhood, my salvation-by-candy…she knows it’s coming this year.

No, I wouldn’t slow things down, not for anything (my children might not survive if time went slower). But I would pause, every now and then (during the tail end of a blog post, say) to capture these moments.

Twelve days to pause and capture, then.

Now, go on over to Jen’s and check out the other Quick Takes posts.