I love the practice of getting a saint for each new year. I had forgotten all about it this year, but Maria Johnson reminded me.
My saint for 2013 is…
Ahhhh, a smile. Oh yes. He makes sense in so many ways.
Adding him to my litany.
Hop on over to the Saint’s Name Generator and get yourself a patron for 2013.
I did this early today when a friend posted the generator – I did one for myself and my husband. Mine was St. Anthony of Padua – the patron of pregnant women and against infertility according to the generator and my husbands was St. Francis of Paola… the patron against sterility. See as how we’re hoping to be granted a sibling for our son this year I’m hoping these guys already have our backs and this isn’t a sign that we’ll be need their intercession too much. 😉
Molly, wow! I had St. Anthony of Padua a few years ago…and I got pregnant that year. So I’ll pray for you guys! 🙂
He ‘s the secondary patron of my parish. I got St. Philip Neri, patron saint of joy!
Love, Jen!
The generator gave me St. Maximilian Kolbe.
Wow, Liz, a powerhouse saint!!!
Thanks! I could use a powerhouse saint right about now!
Thanks for sharing this Sarah! After reading your post I tried the Saint’s name Generator and got Saint Valentine of Rome,He is the Patron of lovers, young people and happy marriages. I am an uncle of 12 nieces and nephews and as early as now I am teaching them how to pray and telling them to be inspired by Saint Valentine’s strength in trying to defend his faith.
Jeff, that’s awesome. Saint Valentine was also a martyr, wasn’t he? I’m always intrigued by how, when I think I “know” a saint, there is a surprising aspect to them or some important part of their life that’s relevant–and new–to me.