When I found out I was due with Baby 4 around Holy Week, I’ll admit that my first reaction was akin to, “Well. Lent is going to REALLY SUCK this year, isn’t it?”

A kind and holy man in my life pointed out that I was really going to get “all the graces!” of Lent this year, and, admittedly, my reaction to that was to be glad that I couldn’t punch him (it was a phone conversation).

So I was not expecting the “blessing” of my pregnancy to end up quite like it did in the wee hours of today.

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Welcome, Jacob Anthony!

March 6

3:32 AM

6 pounds, 9 ounces


All the graces of Lent, indeed!

The other three highly approve, and, Captain Awesome has dubbed him “Superhero” for short.

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As for me, I’m amazed at how much fun it is to watch the older three with him. I’m quite sure there’s no shortage of writing material. The story of yesterday and the circumstances leading up to Jacob’s grand entry are…well, I can’t help but see God at work in the people and the events that unfolded.

And it must be no accident that today was the end of a novena I had been praying to St. Joseph.

There’s plenty more to share. But I think, for now, I’ll enjoy the small weight in my arms, the quiet spa-like sound of this hospital room, and the fact that I have books to read and naps to take before I head home.

Thanks for your ongoing prayers and support!