“It is not good for the man to be alone.” “If there were such a thing as loneliness which could no longer be penetrated and transformed by the word of another… then we should have real, total loneliness and frightfulness, what theology calls ‘hell’” (Pope Benedict XVI). “What God has joined together, no human being must separate.” The sacrament of marriage is Christ’s answer to hell. If we have experienced a companionship that has moved our hearts to an otherwise impossible union with Jesus Christ, then our first task is to remain faithful to it with the same tenacity that little children cling to their parents.
When I read this at the introduction of the Mass readings in my Magnificat this morning, I couldn’t help but reflect on how much good my marriage brings to my life. I could not help but smile at the thought that my marriage keeps me from hell. It does, in so many small, everyday ways. And it does, in so many large, eternal ways! My job, then, is to remain faithful. I am enjoying this 30 day challenge for wives, courtesy of Ann at Holy Experience of LISTENING, and it is one way I am exploring a new level of “faithful” in my marriage.
Lord, help me to remain true to this sacrament of marriage, which is a gift to my redemption, and a joy to my being. Help me to remain positive, and prayerful, and to be the heart of my family. Let me do thy will with a smile.
My pastor incorporated that same quote into his homily today!
Thanks for the 30-day link. I’m checking into that!
Delight yourself in the Lord and he will grant the desires of your heart.
You’ll enjoy the 30-day link, Barb. And Tim, thanks for the thought – that’s great and so, so true.