I wonder what kinds of looks I’ll get on Wednesday as I wear my apron about my daily duties. (What? You didn’t know that May 14 is National Wear Your Apron Day?) Thinking about that has led me to think about aprons in general. In previous musings, I said that I’m not the “apron type.”

But just what IS the “apron type”? Just who fits under that umbrella? I’ll only get into trouble answering that. You could have never told me, for instance, that my kitchen hook would be the happy home to an apron.

This week, I’m hosting the Loveliness of Rosaries, and as I was thinking and planning that beautiful fair (and hoping for entries!), something clicked.

I’ve been tagging along on my Mother’s apron strings for quite some time.

Her apron is made up of prayers and petitions.

The strings hold beads, which I use to keep track.

The harder I hold on to these apron strings – the more I pray the rosary and, really, the more I pray as part of my daily doings – the closer I get to my Father. Mother’s apron leads me to her Son and his Father. She doesn’t force me to follow, but, if I cooperate and just hang on to that apron string, she’ll lead me, gently, carefully, lovingly, to where I need to be.

I’ll never look at an apron the same way again. And should anyone ask on Wednesday (and they’re sure to – I’ll be at work in the parish office all day!), I’ll say that I’m wearing my apron in honor of my Mother – all of them (so, Mom and Mom and Mom (I have quite a collection of earthly mothers, because God loves me that much!), that includes you!).

I just found out, with a big slap to my forehead, that National Wear Your Apron Day is…TODAY (the day after Mother’s Day!). Guess I should have been reading Kitchen Madonna’s dates a bit more carefully…