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The Week 13 guide for the Online Retreat in Everyday Life is here.

This week, we’re on an Adventure through salvation history, and it’s appropriate that we’re taking this journey during Advent. We’re preparing for a baby, and we’re looking at the years of waiting and anticipation.

Just as the nine months of pregnancy can seem like a long time, as the baby grows in you and you struggle to cross the things off your to-do list, the four weeks of Advent can seem to stretch on while we try to focus on preparation. All around us, we’re already hearing Christmas carols and seeing the decorations, but we know the baby isn’t here yet. We can use the excitement in the air to fuel our own anticipation.

I always appreciate this retreat for how it makes me look at the liturgical year more closely. It makes me a part of what’s going on in the readings and helps me pay attention to the things I might have otherwise ignored.

How’s your experience with the online retreat going?