This week, it’s my honor to host a great blogging and real-life friend, Kate Wicker. Each day, she has agreed to tackle a question and share her wisdom and insight about motherhood and writing. I hope you enjoy spending this week with her as much as I do! (In case you missed it, you can find her discussions on motherhood and writing, her inspiration to write, and blogging.)
Do you consider writing a primary part of your work or is it a consequence, a way you get the word out about your ministry?
I’m not sure if writing is a primary part of my work as a mom, but it is a primary part of my life. Like I’ve said, I have to write. It’s just a part of who I am. (Any surprise that my love language is “words of affirmation”?)
I know you have cut back your writing projects over the last few years. How do you prioritize your writing projects while juggling the demands of your vocation as wife and mother?
While I occasionally make reprints available, I’ve made the personal decision to not write for free (unless you include blogging, but I even try to make some money in this forum as well). I know this might make me sound like a heartless money grubber, but a wise veteran mom-writer once told me that I owe my family my time first and anyone who wants to take time away from them needs to make it worth my while. I’ve realized she’s right.
I also schedule writing time into my weekly routine. I used to write every day. This is not always possible anymore, although I usually write something even if it’s just a one-liner prayer in my spiritual journal every single day. (Thank goodness Blogger allows you to preschedule posts; that’s helped a lot.)
But, honestly, as I mentioned above, I’m still working on finding the right balance. I recently was suffering from serious burnout, and I drastically cut back on computer time. It was a very good thing for me to do. I’ve decided that I’m going to take regular breaks from blogging. This helps give me perspective and helps to renew my body and spirit.
…More from Kate tomorrow, when she shares three tips and four books to wrap up our week together.
Thanks again, Sarah, for allowing me to ramble over here. 🙂 I wanted to clarify that when I’m discussing writing for free, I’m referring to freelance writing projects. Writing is not only my hobby, but it’s my trade, too, and it used to be the way I supported my family so I suppose I’m approaching it at a different angle than some bloggers.
I also should have mentioned somewhere that it’s my hope that a lot of what I write might give glory to God (though a tweet yesterday about getting pooped on not once but twice might be stretching it!).
God bless.