It’s been a while since I’ve done a daybook, so why not, thought I, combine two of my favorite formats? 🙂
It’s Thursday as I type this (but you don’t mind, do you?), and the house is quiet. There’s the sound of Daniel Tiger as my mancub fights his nap and the promise of adventure later (if I get my work done).
On Wednesday, when we had a snow day and no school, we actually did (gasp) housework. That means that now you can recognize the new crumbs on the floor (because my eight-year-old likes to vacuum and I do not, so I made helped her do it) and that you can walk through the playroom area because the toys are heaped in piles put away.
I just found out about the possible closing of Aquinas and More. And I made my donation. And wrote a column about it for (that link won’t work until Noon Eastern). And wondered what else I could do.
You know, I haven’t been as good as I should have been about supporting Aquinas & More as a customer, now that I think about it.
So I’m spreading the word and considering how I will be a better customer in the future. Their Good Faith Guarantee and No China Products Policy are among the many reasons I feel strongly about this.
Spread the word too, would you?
As it turns out, I have a LOT on my to-do list. Different from normal? Not so much. But there are a few exciting things, like planning for spring break and for a few big projects I hope to get rolling on.
For friends who know when I just need them to stop by and hang out. For certain family members who will feed us when we just “drop in” and then, ahem, stay almost to dinnertime. For an unnamed man in my life who tackles bedtime with a smile on his face and never ever ever criticizes how the house looks.
For our Church and our cardinals as they prepare for the conclave. For a special intention of my heart. For my family.
Right now, I’m reading C.S. Lewis, A Life: Eccentric Genius, Reluctant Prophet, by Alistair McGrath for the Patheos Book Club. It’s not what I normally read–it’s an extensive biography of Lewis from birth to (presumably) death. I’m looking forward to getting farther along in it.
The other night, I was up late whipping through My Sisters the Saints: A Spiritual Memoir by Colleen Carroll Campbell. Wow! What a book!
(If you want the play-by-play of my reading, I do just that on Tuesdays over at
The conditions under which I get this work at home done…talk about a monkey on my back!
You’ll find more Quick Takes over at Conversion Diary.