I’ve been asked how it’s going. I’ve been told my blog doesn’t really relate how it might really be going. And so, as a “here’s where I’m at” with my sabbatical, this week’s quick takes will try to tackle that question…
The book. The first question after “How’s it going?” is “How’s your book coming along?” The answer: “Ummmmm.” I just don’t know how to answer that. You see, I’ve realized that, when it comes to this project, not only is it in God’s hands, but it’s a week-at-a-time sort of thing. Have I mentioned that I don’t do well with that? Oh yeah, I have. It has been an ongoing challenge to let go and let God.
The peace. I have to say, taking two months off my day job for discernment has been peaceful. I didn’t expect that. When I first shared about this sabbatical with my family, I was surprised at the reaction of some of them. My husband asked me when I’ve ever taken time off that wasn’t vacation. My answer: never. Oh, I’ve been working, don’t get me wrong. I have two little kids and there’s writing to do and a house and…and…and… This peace, though, is confirmation of a few things, one of which is that God did want me to take this time off to rest.
The writing. That’s the other other thing everyone wants to know when they find out I am ostensibly writing this summer. It’s going OK. I’ve realized, having been asked this question quite a bit lately, that I have a tendency to be negative about anything related to writing; it feels so close, so tender, so dear…it’s hard to trumpet my abilities when I am trying to remain realistic and I’m also naturally cynical. I had a feature piece over at Faith and Family Live earlier this week and I have plans to submit more for them. I also plan to do some submitting elsewhere. So it’s going OK. And OK is good.
The kids. They’re not driving me crazy. Well, not too much. And, honestly, I’m a little surprised by that. Shocked, in fact. You might say that I’m looking in the mirror and asking just who that is, that lady who’s been home with her kids most of the summer…
The garden. Yielding plenty of yummy stuff. We’re having tons of fun harvesting and freezing and sharing. The time of the Produce Martyrs is fast approaching, with only weeks until tomatoes and grapes are ready for our ministrations.
The weedscaping. I meant to deal with it. I haven’t. Call me Scarlett O’Hara. Fall is coming, and my husband and I will (hopefully) attack it together, chemicals and sharp mechanical tools at hand.
The summer and the school year. It’s flying by. I feel like school’s going to start in a few weeks — and it is. I’m working with a friend on a fun preschool homeschooling plan, and we’ll see how that goes. I’m glad to have a partner in the adventure, gladder still to have the freedom to pursue it. Will we continue with homeschooling beyond this year? Well, I have thoughts on that, but I still need to form them some more.
7 Quick Takes is hosted each week at Conversion Diary, where you’ll find some of the best writing on the web and plenty of laughs to get you through your week.