This week, I’ve been getting up early. It’s going great (the baby sleeping better at night helps this considerably), especially in terms of finishing my manuscript (I’m over halfway through my first draft!).
One of the wonderful side effects of getting up early is seeing the sunrises.
They are pink explosions in the sky that start as streaks reaching across the black. I see the very tips through the corn tassles from my kitchen or office window, depending on where I am. The other day, I couldn’t resist posting the view to Facebook.
Speaking of God loving me, my niece came over last Saturday and entertained my kids so I could get my desk in order (phase 1 of the intervention I mentioned last week in #3).
I have been doing my writing at my desk all week. Yay!
(The office still needs A LOT of work, but my work space is better. Maybe more this weekend…)
And writing? Yes, I have been, like a crazy woman: a chapter a day (they’re short, but that also makes them achievable). This makes up for the slacking (read as: caring for children, etc.) of the summer.
I’m aiming to have my first draft done the first week of October, if not sooner.
Will you praying for me and my writing? Please? This is an exciting project (I’m slowing buying into it, and I hate the writing I’ve done so far less than I usually do).
This week, I’ve been using iTunes to make a writing playlist. It’s very…odd. I turned it on shuffle and I’m interrupting myself every so often to drag the songs I like into the playlist. I’m hearing songs I forgot I had. It’s fun.
And weird.
Click on image to enlarge, if you want a taste of what strikes my fancy. This is the first part of the list; it’s growing each time I write as I add to it. Suggestions for additions welcome. 🙂
We started the Official Canning Season this week. I didn’t take pictures of the tomatoes or the jars after they were filled, but I will next week.
There’s something so beautiful about the whole process.
And exhausting.
Without fail, I think of Mary when I’m canning tomatoes. There’s sure to be more on this as grapes come into season and we celebrate Mary’s birthday in less than a week.
My column this week over at the Catholic Writers Guild blog, Are You Making Yourself a Better Blogger?, has some interesting comments.
I’m interested in what you think.
From the comments that are there, I think I’ll be doing a series this month on becoming a better blogger.
(What I really wish is that someone who knows would write it, but they’re stuck with me.)
Stop on over and let me know what you think, especially if you’re a blogger and have thoughts to share.
And finally, something I couldn’t resist sharing…
I just love the work the folks at Oceanhouse Media are doing (as I raved earlier this summer over at CatholicMom.com), and my kids love their work, too. (Because I get them for the kids. Really. I do.) (Maybe.)
From the press release:
Ten Dr. Seuss omBooks (Oceanhouse Media digital books) have been reduced to $1.99 each on the app market, kicking off Oceanhouse Media, Inc.’s Back to School Sale. For a five week period, from August 29 through October 2, a new selection of omBooks will be on sale each week from popular series such as The Berenstain Bears, Little Critter, Five Little Monkeys and Smithsonian Collection.
Visit the Oceanhouse Media Facebook page each Monday in September to find out which omBooks will be on sale for that week.
Totally worth your money. Totally worth your time. I rank these among my favorite apps.
And, with that, don’t forget to visit Jen at Conversion Diary for all the fun that is 7 Quick Takes Friday!