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You know what makes me happy? This conversation from Facebook and the subsequent picture I have in my head because of it.

Anyone know where I can find a statue of Mary on a HORSE? Huh? I think I need one.

Well, come to think of it, I probably need two. My four-year-old is sure to claim one to play with. (You know, like she did with the Holy Family.)

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If you’re reading this in a feed reader, I’ll spare you the necessary click-through and just show you how the window view at the top of my blog has changed, thanks to Dorian and her amazingness.

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In case you have an interest in my latest obsessions, it has involved dirt, flowers, and mulch, transforming my front view to this:

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That streak of motivation also led to this:

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In other news, I just confirmed, this week, that I’ll be in Dallas at the end of August. For this:

and this:

I’m a weeeeeeee bit excited, especially as I’m going to be stuck like glue to her:

(and a few other people too, but Julie and I have a special plan, mwahaha)

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This week, my phone (which is not “smart,” and that’s part of the reason I love it so), has been spending a lot of time in rice:

It had an unfortunate meeting with some coffee and then, as I was watering my hanging baskets, I leaned over to water some of the planted stuff and forgot all about the Truth of Watering Hanging Baskets: They will drip on you if you are under them.

To this I say: I’m glad I have rice in the house!

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And here’s something pretty I just wanted to share, and which the artist, Michelle Paine, gave me permission to share (it’s copyrighted):

Used with permission; copyright Michelle Arnold Paine

She shares about her painting of this “transciption” of Fra Angelico’s original and the story behind it on her blog. She’s doing a whole series on the Annunciation and I’m moved by them.

It reminds me of how I used to love going to the Museum of Art in Toledo with my mother, and how she would stand beneath the panel of Monet’s Water Lilies and just gaze. I never understood that stopping and looking, that pausing to savor, that slowing down.

But maybe I do, just a bit, now.

Michelle Paine is doing some amazing work. Her figurative paintings on Mary just make my heart beat harder and tears well up in my eyes…and I have no ability to explain why.

Quick Takes can be found this week at Betty Beguiles. Please pray for Jen from Conversion Diary.