Because being pregnant can only be an excuse for so long before you need to come up with something else.

There’s a good chance you’ll be up at some point with either a certain restless toddler sleeper or your bladder (which has become a trampoline for a certain fetal person who shall remain nameless). Might as well make the last potty break later or be up already when Small Fry needs you, right?

Reading nonfiction certainly has its up sides. But reading fiction, ah, there’s a reason to stay up until you need toothpicks so you can finish that novel.

One word: Bloglines.

One more word: Coke. (With dinner. Because it’s a once-a-week treat that you deserve, and when you have it a second time during the week, you remember why it’s a bad idea. But not before you finish another novel.)

If you can’t drag yourself out of bed in the mornings, then there’s something to be said for staying up on the nights you don’t fall asleep on the couch or in a certain unnamed toddler’s bed by 8.

That Tivo listing of shows you keep meaning to watch…but never seem to have the time to (which, by the way, would be a great backdrop to that novel you’re eyeing and considering).