This was originally posted back in 2006. Hope you enjoy it!

This room is different.

The door is open now; sunlight streams in and highlights the bright colors. Things seem cheerful in a way they never did before. I feel at home in this room now, in a way I never did before. I can kick up my feet and invite friends in.

What changed in my inner room?

As I examine closer, I see that there is only one answer. I changed.

My change was possible because of You, Lord. You opened the windows to my heart, and when the warm breezes aired it out, I caught on and opened the door to let You all the way in. The forgiveness you gave me then – and continue to give me now – is the key to the door staying unlocked. You hold that key, Lord.

I need Your forgiveness, Lord. I don’t understand it. I can’t fathom its depth or its vastness. I try to forgive like You do, but I fall short…oh, I fall short. I strive to live in Your light, Lord, but the change is not complete. I still have moments of preferring the darkness; I still find myself huddled up and wondering what hope there is.

Lord, let the change continue to grow. Let me do Thy will, and surrender my will. Let me be a field for harvesting; let me be a joyful song. Let me continue to change as You would have me change. Let me do Thy will, not my will.