I’ve only been Catholic for ten years. The only Mass I know is the Mass we have now.
And I love it. It speaks to me, no matter if the music is bad, the homily is dry, the whole thing full of distractions (in pew and out).
I was especially interested to receive a copy of A Biblical Walk through the Mass: Understanding What We Say and Do in the Liturgy, by Edward Sri. Before I read it, I heard him interviewed on Catholic Spotlight, and I was touched by his passion.
Reading this book, I was even more touched by his passion. Here’s a man who not only loves the Eucharist and the Mass, but who can speak about it. His writing is like a glimpse at a lover’s heart–and I mean that in the highest possible sense.
I feel like I can talk about the changes that are coming up, thanks to this book. More importantly, I feel a kinship to other Catholics and to the lovely reality that is our Eucharistic celebration of the Mass.
This book has facts, yes. It has catechesis and important information that we should all understand before the first Sunday in Advent.
But what I love about this book, and what makes it invaluable and a share-with-everyone read, though, is the beauty it shares. It does a great job with its double duty of instruction and introduction, but it also reveals a depth, a heart, and a beauty that I better appreciate.
Highly recommended, and if you have any inclination, our parish has had positive reviews of the group study that accompanies it (though I was unable to attend).
Sounds great! Thanks!