Outside my window: Snow! On the ground!
Around the house: There’s a pile of people–Daddy and girls–on my couch, watching a movie. The boy is dragging a stool around the kitchen counters, seeing what fun he can find.
What I’ve been writing: I’ve been treading water and keeping up with my weekly commitments. I have plans for a book proposal, though, and need to work on that soon. The idea is THERE, even sort of fleshed out, so it’s time to ACT.
In my thoughts: The HHS Mandate and the “compromise” that’s really a bait-and-switch. And Rick Santorum. And changing my blogging frequency.
In my plans: I have to get my PSR lesson done for next week. We have a few weeks off soon, and I’m hoping to get ahead, but no guarantees. There’s also rumor of a date sometime soon, and hey! Ministry scheduling next week should take some major time off my purgatory… 🙂
In thanksgiving: For the cuddles of children. For laughs with friends. For nieces who text me. For online games with extended family.
In my prayers: For a woman who’s expecting to deliver her encephalitic baby soon. For a woman whose five-month-old baby recently died. For some special intentions.
Nose inserted: I’m finishing Unbridled Grace: A True Story about the Power of Choice, by Michael Norman, this weekend. I’m debating which book is next. I’m trying valiantly to also read The End and the Beginning: Pope John Paul II–The Struggle for Freedom, the Last Years, the Legacy, by George Weigel, but I’m not doing so well. I’m still in the first chapter. I need to set a goal of one chapter every couple of days, I think.
Links I like: (You can find more in the sidebar or on my FriendFeed)
- Canterbury Tales has a post that I used for an upcoming parish bulletin explaining the rules of fasting and abstinence. Now’s the time to brush up and get ready!
- Suscipio is doing a “Moments of Grace” link-up every Friday, and I’m so inspired by it! I’m hoping to join in next week.
- Karina Fabian shares five things writers shouldn’t do. Great advice and good reminders.
- Melissa Wiley cracks me up…and so does her husband.
- Brandon Vogt shares a video and considers what the most powerful tool for evangelization really is.
- Darwin looks at the fallacy food stamps as living poor.
Pick of the week: Pat Gohn’s “A God with Toes” at Patheos this week.
Food for thought: In my inbox this morning, courtesy of BenedictEveryday.com:
It is certainly not by chance that people are nowadays turning again to Mary, in whom Christianity becomes loveable again and close to us, and we really do find the door again through the Mother.
–Pope Benedict XVI
Worth a thousand words: From Jon Fitz
Do you mean “anencephalic?” That’s a baby with a poorly/non developed brain. “Encephalitic” means having a brain inflammation. Praying either way.
I’m not sure WHAT I mean, Ellen, except that the baby is expected to die, I think, shortly after birth. Or that’s what I understood from the message I received. Hmm…am going to dig back through and figure out!